Let's increase performance together! Choosing proper tool, not only increase your performance, but also master last information of customers!
Let's increase performance together! Choosing proper tool, not only increase your performance, but also master last information of customers!
Everyone feels curious about how GD-CRM become the best assistant of selling teams through their daily schedules. The reasons are as follow. Sales can check their daily schedules, contact information and other detail data of every customers from their cellphone and tablet when they out on a sales call. GD-CRM also combines the functions of Google Map and Bai-Du Map, Clock-in system and finding of near customers. User even can make a quotation form and update last business record by their cellphone and tablet directly. The supervisors can master last information and seize business opportunities immediately without weekly report meeting!..... Learn more
Switch from one to the other within instant
Switch from one to the other within instant
Whether phones, tablet or laptops, iOS or Android can switch within second...... Learn more
Data will be stored forever
Data will be stored forever
All data can be gathered within instant, error on transferring data will not happen...... Learn more
Send schedule automatically
Send schedule automatically
Time saving on manual organizing, lower the risk of error, just by opening email everything would be done...... Learn more
Risk management
Risk management
Help corporations and enterprises with risk indication and output report for checking, make risk management no longer just on lips...... Learn more